Lisbon Conference on Intergenerational Justice – The Law of the Future and the Future of Law


Conference Day 1

10h00: Registration

10h30: Opening Session

  • Jorge Duarte Pinheiro (Dean of the University of Lisbon School of Law)
  • Carlos Blanco de Morais (Scientific Coordinator of the Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law, ICJP, University of Lisbon School of Law)
  • Marisa Quaresma dos Reis (Organiser and member of the research team, Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law, University of Lisbon School of Law)
  • Marcel Szabó (Ombudsman for Future Generations – Hungary)
  • Fernando Negrão (President of the Parliamentary Committee for Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees)

11h00  Key Note Speech

  • Viriato Soromenho-Marques (Departments of Philosophy and European Studies of the University of Lisbon) – “From financial to ontological debt- The case for intergenerational justice in the anthropocene era”
  • Open debate with the audience

11h30 -13h00  Intergenerational (in)justice in law and politics
Moderator David Duarte (Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law, University of Lisbon School of Law)

  • Wolfgang Gründinger (Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations, Germany) – “Intergenerational (in)justice and demographic change”
  • David Kingman (Intergenerational Foundation, UK) – “Intergenerational Justice and Party Politics”
  • Axel Gosseries (FNRS, University of Louvain- UCL) – “Cohortal injustice as age discrimination”
  • Marisa Quaresma dos Reis (Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law, University of Lisbon School of Law) – “The Jeffersonian concept of generations as nations – international law as an inspiration to an “intergenerational law”?”
  • Open debate with the audience

13h00 Lunch break

14h30 -16h00 Human and fundamental rights from an intergenerational dimension
Moderator  Luís Pereira Coutinho (Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law, ICJP, University of Lisbon School of Law)

  • Emilie Gaillard (University of Caen Basse-Normandie) – “The case of international crimes against future generations”
  • Jean-Paul Markus (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) – “Right to Health cares, Bioethics and future generations”
  • Beatriz Esperança (Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law, ICJP, University of Lisbon School of Law) – “Sustainable development concerning socioeconomic rights:  a duty towards future generations?”
  • Márcio Barcelos (European Youth Forum Board member) – “Political rights of young people: rethinking the minimum age for voting”
  • Open debate with the audience

16h00 Coffee break

16h30-18.30h Sharing experiences: Model Institutions for the protection of future generations
Moderator Teresa Anjinho, (Member of the Parliamentary Committee for Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees)

  • Oras Tynkkynen, (Vice Chair of the Committee for the Future, Parliament of Finland) – “Strengthening Future Thinking in the Parliament” [videoconference]
  • José de Faria Costa (The Portuguese Ombudsman) – “Promoção e Defesa dos Direitos Humanos dos Cidadãos em Uma Perspetiva de Presente e de Futuro /Promoting and defending citizens’ human rights from a present-future perspective”
  • Marcel Szabó, (The Hungarian Ombudsman for Future Generations) – “National institutions for the safeguarding of future generations”
  • Shlomo Shoham, (Former Commissioner for Future Generations - the Israeli Parliament) – “Commissioner for Future Generations in the Israeli Parliament - lesson learnt”
  • Open debate with the audience

Conference Day 2

10:00 Registration

10h30  Key Note Speech

  • Pieter Vanhuysse (European Centre Vienna) – “Intergenerational Justice and Public Policy in Europe” [videoconference]
  • Open debate with the audience

11h00 -12h30  Portugal and Intergenerational Justice
Moderator Jorge Miranda (President of ICJP - Institute for Legal and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon School of Law)

  • Francisco Pereira Coutinho, (Institute for Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lisbon) – “O Papel das gerações futuras na jurisprudencia do Tribunal Constitucional em tempo de crise / The role of future generations in the Portuguese constitutional case law in times of crisis”
  • Carla Amado Gomes (Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law University of Lisbon School of Law) – “Sustentabilidade Ecológica e intereses das gerações futuras: uma brilhante luz vermelha / Ecological sustainability and interests of future generations: a bright red light”
  • José António Vieira da Silva (President of the Parliamentary Committee for Monitoring the Financial Assistance Programme to Portugal) – “Equidade Intergeracional e dívida pública / Intergenerational equity and public debt”
  • António Correia de Campos (former President of White Paper Commission on Social Security)– “ Sustentabilidade do sistema de sugurança social e interesses das gerações futuras / Sustainability of the social security system and the interests of future generations”
  • Open debate with the audience

12h45-13h15 Closing event

  • Ana Martinho (President of the Portuguese National Commission for UNESCO)
  • Paulo Pinheiro, (Portuguese National Youth Council Board Member / Chair of the Council of Europe's Advisory Council on Youth)
  • Maria Luísa Duarte (Coordinator of the Research Team, Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law, ICJP, University of Lisbon School of Law)
  • Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (President of the Scientific Council of the Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law, ICJP, University of Lisbon School of Law)


De 2014-06-19 a 2014-06-20

2014-06-19T00:00:00 2014-06-20T00:00:00 Europe/Lisbon Lisbon Conference on Intergenerational Justice – The Law of the Future and the Future of Law 19 e 20 de junho na FDUL FDUL ICJP

19 e 20 de junho
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa

Entrada livre com inscrição prévia



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