The cooperative dialogue between national courts, the CJUE and ECTHR - The multilevel protection on the fundamental rights


Within the scope of the Portuguese Commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the 40th of the accession of Portugal to the European Convention on Human Rights


Opening Session (9:30 am – 10 am)

  • Dean of the Law School – University of Lisbon – Prof. Dr. Romano Martinez
  • President of Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law – Prof. Dr. Blanco de Morais
  • Welcome addressing on behalf of the organization team - Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Guerra Martins - University of Lisbon - Law School
  • Welcome addressing on behalf of the Centre for Judicial Studies - Director of CEJ / Justice João da Silva Miguel
  • Welcome addressing on behalf of the ELPO - President of the Organization – Prof. Dr. Spyridon Flogaitis


First Session (10 am – 1 pm)

The Constitutional Courts, the CJEU and the ECtHR
A Real Dialogue on Fundamental Rights Matters?

Chairperson – Justice João Miguel - Director of the CEJ



  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Paulus – Judge of the German Federal Constitutional Court
  • Prof. Dr. Daria De Pretis - Judge of the Italian Constitutional Court Prof.
  • Dr. Luís Maria Diez Picazo – President of the Administrative Chamber of the Spanish Supreme Court of Justice
  • Prof. Dr. Miguel Poiares Maduro – former General Advocate of the CJUE
  • Prof. Dr. Danutè Jociene – Judge of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania and former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights


  • Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Guerra Martins / Law School – University of Lisbon


Coffee break (11:15 am)

Debate (11:30 am)

Lunch time


Second Session (2:30pm-6:00pm)

Round table
The Dialogue between the Portuguese Courts, the CJEU and the ECtHR

Chairperson – Prof. Dr. Vital Moreira – Commissioner to the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the 40th of the accession of Portugal to the European Convention on Human Rights


  • Prof. Dr. Maria José Rangel de Mesquita – Judge of the Portuguese Constitutional Court
  • Emeritus Judge Henriques Gaspar – former President of the Portuguese Supreme Court of Justice
  • Judge Victor Gomes – President of the Portuguese Supreme Administrative Court
  • Judge Cunha Rodrigues – former Judge of the European Court of Justice
  • Judge Ireneu Cabral Barreto – former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights


  • Prof. Dr. Rui Guerra da Fonseca - Law School – University of Lisbon
  • Prof. Dr. Benedita Queiroz – School of Law - Catholic University


Coffee break (4 pm)

Debate (4:30 pm)


General Conclusions (5:30 pm)

  • Prof. Dr. Rui Lanceiro – Law School – University of Lisbon


End of session (6:00 pm)



Dia 2018-11-26
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa - Auditório
2018-11-26T00:00:00 2018-11-26T00:00:00 Europe/Lisbon The cooperative dialogue between national courts, the CJUE and ECTHR - The multilevel protection on the fundamental rights 26 of November 2018 FDUL ICJP




Sponsored by




Conference included in the CIDP’s research project
The Contemporary Challenges of the Multilevel Constitutionalism
Principal Researcher - Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Guerra Martins
