BREXIT – Challenge or end of EU Constitutional Law?


(Language of work: English)


FIRST DAY – 23 June 2017

1st Session – (9 am -13:00)

9 am – Opening session

  • Dean of the Faculty
  • President of the Lisbon Center for Research in Public Law
  • Ingolf Pernice
  • Ana Martins

State of Negotiations between EU and UK – General Presentation
Chairperson: Fausto de Quadros

  • 9:30 am – UK Ambassador in Portugal
  • 9:50 am – Antonio Vitorino
  • 10:10 am – 10:40 am - Debate
  • 10:40 am – 11 am – Coffee break

The Future of Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights
Chairperson: Tiago de Freitas / Francisco Paes Marques

11 am – Brexit – An exercise of democracy or a challenge to democracy?

  • Rapporteur: Ingolf Pernice
  • Commentator: Arthur Benz / Lina Papadopoulou

11:45 am – The Future of the Protection of Fundamental Rights and EU Citizenship after Brexit

  • Rapporteur: Jiri Zemanek 
  • Commentator: Rui Tavares Lanceiro

12:15 / 1 pm – Debate

1 pm – 2 pm – Lunch

2nd Session (2 pm – 6:30 pm)

The Future of EU Policies after Brexit
Chairperson: Maria Luísa Duarte

2:15 pm – European Monetary Union

  • Rapporteur: Jean-Victor Louis
  • Commentator: Stefan Griller

2:50 pm – Internal Market

  • Rapporteur: Paula Vaz Freire

3:15 – 4 pm – Debate

4 pm – Coffee break

4:15 pm – Common Foreign and Security Policy

  • Chairperson: Benedita Meneses Queirós
  • Rapporteur: Maria José Rangel Mesquita
  • Commentator: Christine Kaddous

4:45 pm – Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and free movement of people

  • Rapporteur: Mattias Wendel
  • Commentator: Daniel Thym

5:15 pm – Debate

6:00 pm – End of session



SECOND DAY - 24 June 2017

3rd Session (9am – 1 pm)

Double Constitutional Impact of Brexit
Chairperson: Rui Guerra da Fonseca

9:00 am – UK Constitutional Approach

  • Rapporteur: Paul Craig

9:30 am – Constitutional Impact of Brexit in the EU

  • Rapporteur: Tom Eijbouts
  • Commentator: Ana Martins

10 am – Nature of European Legal Space and differentiated integration

  • Rapporteur: Giacinto della Cananea
  • Commentator: Miguel Poiares Maduro

10:30 am – 10:45 am – Coffee-break

10:45 am – The changing balance of powers between Member States after Brexit - legal aspects

  • Rapporteur: Franz Mayer

11:00 am – 12:00 am – Debate

12:00 – Closing section

  • General rapporteur
  • EU Affairs State Secretary – Margarida Marques

1 pm – Lunch / Meeting of the ECLN members


De 2017-06-23 a 2017-06-24
Law School – University of Lisbon (Amphitheater 7)
2017-06-23T00:00:00 2017-06-24T00:00:00 Europe/Lisbon BREXIT – Challenge or end of EU Constitutional Law? Law School – University of Lisbon - 23-24 June 2017 FDUL ICJP



